Some Real Examples Demonstrating the Value of Managing Cash Effectively

Case Study

A client with £637,000 held in 32 different deposit accounts learned how to structure and utilise their money more effectively.

They placed £400,000 into 7 new deposit accounts, which earned an extra £15,000 interest and invested the balance for greater long term value and security.

Case Study

A business with £1,500,000 held with Lloyds Bank was informed that they do not qualify for the protection of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

Concerned that none of their money was protected if Lloyds Bank collapsed, they worked with their financial adviser and left £500,000 with the Lloyds Bank, the financial adviser then used the Deposit Sense Effective Cash Management system to place another £500,000 with banks and building societies that had better financial reserives than Lloyds Bank (analysis that is only available with the Deposit Sense system) and they invested the remoaining £500,000.

In this situation, whilst the value of the £500,000 investment would fluctuate on a daily basis, they would never be in the situation where they would lose it all should the bank collapse.

Case Study

A house was sold for £380,000 and the client wanted to make sure their money was protected and earning a good rate of interest.

The is a very easy solution to build with the Deposit Sense Effectvie Cash Management system. They placed £80,000 on Instant Access and built a portfolio with the balance generating over £20,000 interest over the next 12 months.

The money was spilt over 5 different banks and building societies to make sure it was fully protect by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.